Makeup does not always make it to the top of every mum’s morning to-do list.  In between trying to get everyone ready and out of the door on time, and trying to not forget anything, it often takes a backseat.

You might think applying makeup everyday will cost you a chunk of time that is better spent.  That, mamas, is not true.  Taking just 5 minutes in the morning will not only help you look your best, but will give you a fantastic confidence boost!

Before we dive right in – get organised

For your makeup routine to take no longer than five minutes, you really need to be organised.  If it’s a feat to find something when you want it, you need to re-think your storage.
You have plenty of options. Clear containers work a treat, as do smaller clear makeup bags.  Use one container or one bag for one type of product.  For example, you can group lipsticks together and base makeup items (concealer, moisturiser, foundation) together as well.  Personally, I invested in a makeup box which works extremely well as all my makeup is contained inside it.  Not only that, but you can very cleverly section off your products using adjustable tray dividers depending on how much storage space you need for a specific product type.  For the amount of makeup it holds, it’s size is rather reasonable too.

When to apply your makeup

Do not try and fit in your five minutes of makeup just before you leave the house.  Instead, apply it before everyone else wakes up, right before or after getting dressed.

The right base

Use a good tinted moisturiser with SPF instead of foundation.  Tinted moisturiser is lighter and more forgiving when being applied.  Applying it also takes substantially less time than foundation, and also provides much needed moisture, as well as sun protection.

Instant refresh

If you, like me, are typically Mediterranean with olive skin, chances are you are prone to dark eye circles.  Other than that, mamas are quite prone to the ‘odd’ sleepless night – which promotes dark eye circles to the max!
Concealer takes seconds to apply by tapping it on lightly with your fingertips.  The result is an instant fresher-looking face!

The brows

Your eyebrows need to be well-groomed.  If they are a little sparse, use an eyebrow pencil to fill them in where needed.

Give yourself some colour

The easiest blush to apply, and also the most natural looking is cream blush.  To apply, smile, put a small amount onto the apples of your cheeks and tap in using your ring finger up to your cheekbones.

Lash power

Never underestimate the power of lashes.  A good coat or two will give you instant va-va voom.

Don’t forget your lips

You might not like wearing lipstick, but giving your lips a hint of tint will make your makeup look complete.  You can use your cream blush on your tips too, or you can even apply a little bit of eyeshadow (using your fingers) over lipbalm.
If, on the other hand, you are up for some experimenting, lipstick will really change up your look!  Pair a strong lip with minimal makeup and you are ready to go!  What’s more – you will look fantastic!

Quick eye definition

If you would like to take it a step further, you only need another 30 seconds!  Use a brown eyeliner for a soft look, or a black liquid for statement eyes.  Eyeshadow sticks make it super easy to play up your look with eye colour.  I also love a pretty coloured eyeliner paired with neutral makeup.

Fix it

I apply my makeup at 5:30am and it needs to stay intact for a long number of hours.  Who’s with me?  I’m sure I would have a lot of hands showing if I could see you!
For your makeup to hold for longer, take a can of hairspray, hold it about 30 cms away and lightly spray your face.

These super-quick make up tips are pretty easy to fit in to your busy mornings.  Do try and take this time for yourself in the morning – I promise you will feel amazing!