I turn 32 on Sunday.  This blog post was not something I thought long or hard about.  I am so grateful for all of my blessings, it was instinctive to blog about all the things I am grateful for.

Rewind 5 or 10 years, I never thought that I would say that life is incredible at 32 years old.

Don’t mistake me for an individual who has danced through life unscathed.  Trust me, I have had my fair share of tears, worries, trauma and anxiety – just like the rest of you.  The rough times have taught me to appreciate the simple yet significant things in life, and to embrace each day with a positive attitude.

To celebrate my 32nd birthday, today’s blog post lists 32 things I am grateful for at 32.

I am grateful for…

  1. My two children.

    They have filled a place in my heart I never knew existed.  When I was pregnant with Nina, I wondered how I could love both my kids so much – I already had so much love in my heart for my firstborn, Yanik!  It’s a magical feeling that takes place on the birth of your second child.  Your heart expands to  accommodate more love for both!

  2. My husband.

    He is an angel who stands by me through thick and thin, with love to offer regardless.

  3. My parents.

    I can never be half the person either of them is.  They never cease to amaze me.  My dad very bravely donated a kidney to a young man who was fighting for his life a few years back.  My mother stood by him, held his hand and supported him throughout.  Both of my amazing parents were the backbone of the family when my brother came out as a transgender male.  They handled the situation with so much love and support I am still in awe of them every single day.

  4. My grandparents.

    Yes, I am indeed very lucky to have 3 grandparents to share my life with.  My kids are so lucky to have their great-grandparents to love and look up to!

  5. My extended family.

    I am so blessed!  Besides having all these extraordinary family members (in addition, I have not specifically mentioned my sister – who is 3 and a half years younger than me, she will always be my little one!), I am also surrounded by more fantastic people.  Specifically my in-laws, who are the sweetest people you can ever meet, but also the rest of the family including my little nieces 🙂

  6. My friends.

    When I was younger, I was under the impression that I would not make any more friends as I got older.  I could not have been any more far off from the truth!  The reality is, I have made some extraordinary friends over the past few years.  You all know who you are!

  7. My colleagues.

    Boy do I consider myself lucky to be surrounded by people I would have chose to be friends with anyway!  Life is good when you spend a huge chunk of your day with people you enjoy spending time with!

  8. My health.

    I am grateful for having a healthy functioning body to take me from day to day with the strength to face my full, active days.

  9. Our home.

    I love our little penthouse we call home.  It is my happy place, and it has been furnished and completed with so much thought and affection…I cannot explain how much I adore it.

  10. Choosing to live where we live.

    We made the best decision to move to Mgarr a little over 4 and a half years ago.  This little village has become home.  We’ve fit right in and made many friends, including an awesome lot of mama friends (for me, that is!) 🙂

  11. Our financial situation

    We’re not millionaires, and we will never be 😀  I’m grateful we have enough income to have a roof over our heads, buy food, pay the bills, clothe ourselves, and have some leftover to be able to enjoy a few treats.

  12. My job

    I’ve worked at Avantech for almost 8 years and have learnt so much from doing what I do.  I am grateful to be able to be part of such a brilliant company with so much to offer and say that I am part of it’s success.

  13. The blog

    Blogging has become an extension of who I am.  I love pouring out my heart into the various blog posts and sharing experiences, tips and what not.

  14. My debut book

    Even though I prepare orders for the book on a daily basis, this part still seems surreal.  My story as an author and a blogger took off with writing being my creative outlet late in the evening during my me-time.  This gradually progressed into an actual book.  This journey has been mind-blowing and so incredibly fulfilling.

  15. My followers

    To each and every one of you that follows my blog and my social media accounts – THANK YOU!  You are my sole inspiration and basis for doing what I do every single day.  I love sharing information and tips with you all because I know that someone somewhere is feeling empowered, inspired and more in control of her time and her life.  Knowing that you are learning with me, every single day, to prioritise your needs, is extraordinary!   More power to you mamas!

  16. Accepting who I am

    Once upon a time, I wanted to fit in, and in order to do so, I did what everyone else did.  I overcompensated in order to please, I acted exactly as was expected of me, I walked, dressed and talked like the tens of people around me.  I blended in, because being different was a scary prospect, and rejection was something I was petrified of.
    As I grew older and wiser,  this mindset evolved into the opposite.  Where I am today is a place of acceptance and love towards my true self.  I respect myself as an individual, with all of my quirks, flaws and characteristics that make me, me.  It is freeing to know yourself, love yourself, and be yourself 24/7!

  17. The way my life has turned out

    The sequence of my life events are so totally non-traditional – but I would not change a thing!
    Following a tough relationship which did not work out, I was a single mum at 19.  I moved out of my parent’s shortly after to raise my son on my own.  I met my husband when I was 22 and we fell head over heels in love.  He moved in after a few weeks, proposed after a few months – and we got married after 3 years!
    We went on an unforgettable honeymoon to Bali, and started searching for a home when we came back (we were still renting at this point in time).  Luckily, we found what we wanted within a few weeks.  We moved in after 6 months and Nina joined the family right after!
    I have learnt so much from being a single mum and the extraordinarily close relationship I have with Yanik beats all the hardships and challenges I faced.  Neil came into my life at an unexpected time, but everything fell into place like a dream.

    (onto the lighter stuff & the ones that are easier to list 🙂 ….)

  18. …podcasts

  19. ….books

  20. The world – it’s full of enchanting places to travel to!

  21. …food!

  22. All the lessons I’ve learnt

  23. The beauty of nature

  24. The internet

  25. The opportunities that have come may way

  26. …and the opportunities that I have created

  27. The first tea of the day

  28. …Laughter

  29. The future! There is always something to look forward to

  30. …sushi!

  31. …beer and wine!

  32. Every single day.

    Whatever each day brings, I am grateful for another day to embrace all the beautiful things I am grateful for.

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend.
Melody Beattie

Happy birthday to me, might I say! 🙂
Have a lovely Friday mamas! x