Spring cleaning essentially means that come spring, every nook and cranny in your house gets scrubbed until it shines.  The task in itself can seem very daunting, which it can be if you do not work smarter (not harder!).

Read on for some expert tips on how to save time when you spring clean – and how to make it less of a drag.

Step 1: Declutter

Never, ever try to clean without having a good decluttering session first.  Get rid of any items you have not used in a while.  Go through your house and put away any items which are lying around.  If you have random bits and pieces with no place to go, see if you really need these items.  Discard or donate whatever you don’t want to keep. Put the items that you do want to keep that do not have a specific space in a box so you can deal with them later.  No, that doesn’t mean you will box them and forget about them!  Enter a reminder in your calendar for two weeks from today.  When the day comes, open up the box and diligently organise everything into it’s new dwelling place.

Step 2: Get equipped

Check your cleaning supplies to make sure that you have everything that you need.  See that your vacuum cleaner and anything else you will use is in working order and not missing accessories such as vacuum bags.

Step 3: Plan of attack

I firmly believe that trying to fit in a full spring cleaning session in one weekend along with your usual cleaning is not a good idea.  I do not blame you for putting this off if you were considering cramming everything into a day or two.  Instead, list your spring cleaning chores and spread them out over two weeks or one month, depending on the size of your home.  This way, your house still gets it’s usual clean and you are not bogged down with trying to do everything at one go.  Enter your daily spring cleaning chores into your calendar so you do not have to think about what you’ve dealt with, and what’s still on your list.  Alternate between easy jobs, and tougher ones.  This will make spring cleaning seem less of a drag.

Step 4: Consider enlisting help

If you do not have a maid, and it is within your budget, consider getting some help throughout the process.  Hiring someone to do your usual cleaning for at least two weeks during spring cleaning month will enable you to focus on the extra tasks at hand.

Step 4: Get cracking

Follow your plan!  Keep in mind it’s 30 days of manageable tasks that will result in a sparkling clean home and oodles of satisfaction!  Play your favourite tunes or listen to your favourite podcast while you spring clean – that’s bound to make it more fun!

Step 5: Treat yourself

Why not?  That was one tough job which you have tackled and you deserve a little something!  Do something for yourself which you have not done in a while.  Take an hour off and visit your favourite coffeeshop with a good book, buy something you’ve had your eye on, or get your hair done just because.  You deserve it!