Before we dig in to the exact (easy) system I use for batch cooking, I’ve got to warn you about something important. 

Right now you might think you need to spend hours slaving away to be successful at batch cooking.
But what if it didn’t have to be that way?

What if instead you invested just a few more minutes than you already do to batch cook?
I get this may be pretty different from what you’ve heard before about batch cooking, but it is possible.

Today, you’ll see how to batch cook in a whole new way.

Batch cooking is not always easy

I’m sure you’ll agree, trying to batch cook isn’t always as simple as some people make it seem. It comes with its challenges.

Like maybe you forgot to buy the ingredients, or you wanted to do it but totally didn’t plan for it, or even planned an overwhelming batch cooking session and it put you off doing it again.

You wonder, “Can I really batch cook every single week?” If this sounds familiar, I get it.

So many of us busy mamas have tried batch cooking, and then we’ve heard that little voice of doubt in our head, wondering if it’s possible to do it again and again.

And I’m here to show you it IS.

My why

I developed this system selfishly for myself years ago, because I was wasting too much time in the kitchen and getting nowhere, and it truly changed my life. Today, I help thousands of other mums go from feeling stressed and overwhelmed, to well-prepared and relieved, with a freezer-ful of meals.

Before I outline my easy batch cooking system and the specifics for each step, you might be wondering how I got into all of this and figured it out. Let me tell you so you can understand where it’s coming from.

It started when I knew I had to become more efficient in the kitchen in order to be able to be more present with my son and not feel like a failure everyday after I got home from work.

And let me just tell you this. I wasn’t sure I could do it consistently because I was so darn busy. But I was tired of chasing my tail everyday.

I knew that if I could somehow manage to feed my family homemade food without being in the kitchen every evening up till bedtime, I would be feeling less stressed everyday after work – FOR SURE.

So I set out to find a way to make it happen. And I did manage. So here I am, sharing it with you.

My easy 4-step method to batch cooking

These are the 5 basic steps you need to follow:

  1. Plan
  2. Shop
  3. Cook
  4. Freeze
  5. Use

Rinse and repeat.

And I know, right now you may be saying, ‘But Nakita, these are the exact same steps I used when I tried to do this, and I still failed.’ The secret is in the methodology of the steps. And it’s more simple than you think!

Let’s take it from the top.

STEP 1 – Plan

Whether you plan your meals or not, you are going to meal plan for AT LEAST one day a week. 

Choose 1 recipe that you wanted to make for dinner, and plan to double or triple that recipe. Just make more of what you’re making.

STEP 2 – Shop

Add the ingredients you need to cook this recipe to your shopping list. Go shop, online, or in-store, or block the time in your calendar to do this.

STEP 3 – Cook

On the day you’re due to make your batch cooked meal, cook it. Serve one portion for dinner, and set aside the other 1-2 portions to freeze.

STEP 4 – Freeze

Freeze your extra portions.
Hot tip: make a list of allll of the meals you are freezing.

STEP 5 – Use

Use whatever you have frozen. You have your list, which makes it easy to glance at your calendar, pick your busiest days, and assign your freezer meals to these days.

And repeat. Easy, right?

Getting started with batch cooking

Just by learning what we covered today, you’re one step closer to your ultimate goal. You REALLY want to batch cook efficiently – and you and I both know it’s SO much more than just that.
Because it means you’ll have more time on your hands, and not feel drained on a daily basis. And that’s what really matters.

So take what you’ve learned here today and start putting it into practice. 

Maybe you’re just in the beginning stages, or maybe you can apply it right away. The key thing is to get moving! You’ll want to take these small steps which will get you where you want to be.

Imagine the ease of pulling a home-cooked meal from your freezer, even on the most chaotic days. This, my friends is the game-changing magic of batch cooking.

I hope today’s long but value-packed blog post inspires you to take the first step!


Nakita xxx

PS: Once a week, we include a batch cooking recipe for our members of The Dinner Plan!
When you join us, you won’t need to rack your brains to think about what to batch cook every week. 
But also…
You don’t need to think about what’s for dinner every week. 
You don’t need to prepare shopping lists from scratch. 
And the best part – You don’t need to cook every night of the week because – let’s do a little math – if you are doubling or tripling one recipe a week….that’s 8-10 or 12-15 freezer meals EVERY MONTH.

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