Buckle up because today, I’m spilling the beans on my secret to cooking just 3 times a week. My game-changing batch cooking system will free up your time and keep your family happily fed. Ready to dive in?

The Myth of Endless Cooking

Let’s face it; batch cooking can seem daunting. You might think you need hours to pull it off successfully. But what if I told you it doesn’t have to be that way? Stick with me, and I’ll show you a whole new approach to batch cooking that’s simple and effective.

My Batch Cooking Journey

Before we get into the nitty-gritty, let me share a bit of my story. I started this journey because, like many of you, I was tired of not knowing what to cook, and then spending endless hours in the kitchen. I needed a solution to feed my family well without sacrificing precious time, and my sanity. Fast forward through trial and error, and I developed a system that changed my life and now helps thousands of mums do the same.

The 5 Easy Steps to Batch Cooking Bliss

Now, let’s break down my batch cooking system into five easy steps:

  1. Plan: Choose one recipe for the week and double or triple it.
  2. Shop: Add the ingredients to your shopping list and get them.
  3. Cook: Make your batch-cooked meal, serving one portion and freezing the rest.
  4. Freeze: Label and freeze your extra portions.
  5. Use: Schedule your frozen meals for your busiest days.

Rinse and repeat. I told you – it’s simpler than you think!

Overcoming Batch Cooking Doubts

I get it; you might be skeptical. Maybe you’ve tried batch cooking before, and doubts crept in. Can you really do this every week? The answer is a resounding yes! I designed this system for busy mamas like you, and I’m here to show you it’s absolutely doable.

Consistency is Key

The real challenge is consistency. You need simple batch cooking ideas week after week to make it a sustainable habit. Take Janita, for example, one of our members of our meal planning membership, The Dinner Plan. She had concerns about her family’s reaction to leftovers, but with the right guidance, she’s now a batch cooking successfully. To give you a little more insight, her husband could not stomach leftovers (pun intended). She followed my recipe instructions to a tee, and sneakily froze a few portions, and her hubby did not realise it was frozen. I kid you not. Now she’s let him into the secret, and he’s totally on board!

What’s Next?

Now that you know the secrets to efficient batch cooking (so you can start cooking 3 times a week), the big question is, how do you keep it up week after week? Consistency is vital, and I’ve got a solution. The Dinner Plan, my meal planning membership, provides everything you need to batch cook regularly without the hassle of planning or racking your brains for easy recipes to make every week.

Take Action!

Ready to make a change? Start implementing these steps today.
Whether you’re just beginning or ready to dive in, take those small steps toward your goal. Batch cooking efficiently means more time for you and less daily stress.

Mireille, who is a mama and also a member of The Dinner Plan, works extremely long hours.
There are days where she works till 11pm for a week at a time, and her husband is abroad for work and not home to help. It is such a relief for her to be able to pull out ready-made meals from the freezer which she’s easily made by doubling or tripling the batch cooking recipes we provide inside The Dinner Plan. Before she joined the membership, she would be making decisions on the day, rushing off to buy whichever ingredients she needed, overspending, wasting food, and wasting time. She would not have homemade freezer meals ready to be consumed when she works late into the night, and she would be resorting to quick dinners which lacked variety and the nutritional value she wanted. This system WORKS!

Join The Dinner Plan

If you’re looking for a faster, easier path, our meal planning membership The Dinner Plan has it’s doors open till TOMORROW 11:59PM CET. For just €12 a month, you’ll have access to meal plans, a weekly batch cooking recipe, 3 more easy recipes, shopping lists, and a community that’ll transform your whole meal planning experience.
…You will be able to recreate this whole system of cooking just 3 times a week effortlessly, because I give you all the goods to do that.

If you join today, you will also get my 15 Minute Prep Recipe Book for FREE! This offer goes away tonight at 11:59pm CET (Friday February 2nd).
And shhh…just between us, another fantastic free bonus will be announced tomorrow! So if you join today, you’ll get your hands on another one too!

Any questions – drop me an email on nakita@themamamanual.com

See you on the inside!


Nakita xxx