Once your baby makes the transition to toddlerhood, there are a few toddler essentials you’ll want to have on hand. This can be a challenging time as you adjust to the reality that your baby will no longer stay where you’ve placed them, and moving toward self-feeding poses its own share of challenges! Of course, it’s also very rewarding as you start to see more of their personalities and help them through some very exciting firsts.

Although it’s been a minute since I’ve had toddlers at home, I do recall my favourite items that I’d recommend to any toddler mum. Here are my top 10 toddler essentials to help you stay sane as you get through this tricky yet joyful phase.

1. Step stool for the bathroom

A step stool is a must-have for helping your little one reach the sink to wash their hands and brush their teeth until they’re taller. But they offer a lot more than just convenience; toddler step stools strengthen their core and leg muscles, build confidence and encourage them to work on balance!

2. Sleep sack

Sleep sacks are amazing for fussy babies, but they’re also useful for toddlers who are prone to kicking their covers off in their sleep. This is great for those mums out there who check on their toddlers 15 times a night to make sure their blanket isn’t over their face. They’re also perfect for ensuring your little one stays warm enough throughout the night in winter. We bought an adjustable one that fit Nina for a few years, and it was so handy!

3. Sound monitor

This is essential for peace of mind when your toddler is sleeping and pretty much the only way to get things done during nap time. In fact, we still use ours to hear Nina if she wakes up (she’s almost 8, and sleeps in a loft bed), and even though her toddler days are well behind us, and we take it with us on staycations and holidays. It’s great when we’re staying at a place where the bedroom is far from the living area, or we’d like to enjoy the patio or deck after she goes to sleep.

4. Reward charts

Once toddlerhood hits, your child will be old enough to start learning about responsibilities and good behaviour. A reward chart is a great way to encourage the behaviour you want. You should keep it simple at first, perhaps giving them stickers for meeting goals, but you can use point systems and more complex rewards as they get older if the system works well for you. This is a tried-and true method that many mums swear by, and it worked well with both of my kids.

5. Glow-in-the-dark dummies

If your child uses dummies, I can’t recommend the glow-in-the-dark variety highly enough! We used to place them strategically all over Nina’s cot so she could always find one when she woke up. I’m convinced these toddler essentials helped us get more sleep, and it also helped us find the ones she’d misplaced during night-time wakings without turning on the lights. 

6. Drawstring toy mats that double as bags

Oh, how I wish these had been available here when my kids were toddlers! You can open these toy drawstring bags up and use them as a playmat, and when playtime is over, just pull the strings to turn it back into a storage bag. If your kids are into Legos or other toys with lots of small parts, these make clean-up a snap. Just be sure to store it out of their reach and supervise them carefully as the drawstrings could pose a hazard. 

7. Special potty

Few things are more frustrating during the toddler years than failed potty training attempts. One thing that helped us a lot was a fancy potty that was shaped like a toilet and rang off songs of encouragement when it was used. When it comes to things that make life easier with a toddler, anything that facilitates toilet training to this degree is a winner in my book!

8. Snack catcher

As your little one navigates eating, a snack catcher is a great way to help them feed themselves while containing messes. I like the models with soft flaps that they can reach their hands into easily yet prevent food from spilling out when it inevitably gets tipped over. Look out for BPA-free snack catchers that will fit into cupholders in your car or stroller.

9. Divided silicone plate

While we’re on the topic of self-feeding, a silicone divided plate was a must-have for us for the highchair. Sturdy yet unbreakable, they come with suction cups so they can attach to the highchair tray with ease and stay put. The divided sections are perfect for picky toddlers who don’t like it when one type of food touches another. 

10. Wearable bib

We love wearable bibs that look like a top. Let’s be real: standard bibs don’t really offer that much protection, and toddlers are somehow pros at ensuring spills and stains take place on the parts of their clothes that are not covered by their bib 😊 Waterproof wearable bibs that cover everything and come with a little pocket at the bottom to catch things can keep your kitchen – and your baby – a lot cleaner!

With the right toddler essentials list, you can enjoy this magical time while making things a bit easier on yourself!