Are you tired of the sea of plastic toys that comes up every time you search for Christmas gift ideas for kids? While there’s nothing better than seeing your kids’ smiles on Christmas morning, it’s hard not to wonder sometimes how long they’ll be interested in all those new toys and where you’re going to keep all of them.

So, I’ve put together a list of 10 Christmas gift ideas for kids that are not toys for those of us who already have WAY too many!

1. Cooking tools and cookbook

If your kids have ever shown an interest in helping out in the kitchen, some cooking tools and an age-appropriate kids’ cookbook could be a real hit. You can find kid-friendly cooking tool kits geared toward toddlers, or you can put together your own array of measuring cups and stirring spoons for older kids. As an added bonus, it might help you get out of making a few lunches or dinners!

2. Hammock

If your yard has the space, a hammock can be a lot of fun and may even encourage them to spend more time outdoors. Just be sure your kids are old enough to use it safely and make sure you supervise them well. There are lots of fun colours, not to mention no-flip options for an extra layer of protection. 

3. Membership for a local attraction

A membership is one of the best Christmas gift ideas for kids who already have way too many toys. A yearly pass for a water park, aquarium, or kids’ gym will help you all get out of the house more – and away from screens – for some great family bonding. 

4. Piggy bank with money

Encourage your kids to establish good savings habits by buying a piggy bank with a bit of money inside to get them started. There are so many neat options available these days, from traditional ceramic piggy banks in the form of unicorns or cartoon characters to electronic piggy banks that count the money inside. 

5. Art for their room

If your child’s room needs some sprucing up, why not get them some art for their room? This can be particularly fun if you look for artwork that is related to something they love. You can find lots of beautiful art on Etsy covering nearly every topic and theme imaginable. And as an added bonus for mum, you’re almost certain to find a style that suits your décor!

6. Cool headphones

If your child watches Netflix on their iPad or loves group calls with friends, headphones will help you keep your sanity. And even if they already have headphones, you can still take it up a notch with one of the many fun models on the market. There are high-tech and comfy gamer headsets for older kids and adorable fuzzy animal-ear headphones for younger ones.

7. Alarm clock

Make mornings a little more exciting with a fun alarm clock. If it’s been a while since you’ve bought one, you’ll be amazed at all the cool options out there. There are lots of LED alarm clocks that also have lights that change colours and other fun features. Some even have a remote control so your little one can change the lights from their bed.

8. A fun umbrella

An umbrella is one of those utilitarian gifts that feels a lot more like a toy to younger kids, who love the idea of being in control over their own umbrella rather than standing under mum’s. There are lots of fun umbrellas out there for kids of all ages.

9. Fishing supplies

Fishing supplies can be a lot of fun for a child who is already into fishing or has shown an interest in nature. A fishing rod and a tackle box with some lures and string could be the start of a lifelong hobby, and imagine all the fun picnics you can plan at great local fishing spots! 

10. Organisational items

I just had to throw this one in here as it’s a present for you as well! Look for Christmas gifts for kids that help keep clutter under control to make your life easier. It’s hard to go wrong with a cute jewellery box, some fun storage bins, or an art caddy.

As you can see, Christmas gifts for kids don’t have to be toys to be fun or well-loved. The beauty of a lot of these gifts is that they will be used time and time again.