Looking for some date night ideas you can pull off at home? I’ve long been a fan of home date nights, but the past couple of years have really shifted the way a lot of us are thinking about how we spend our time. If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that you can do a lot of things that you used to do other places right in your own home – and date night is one of them. Here are some ideas for connecting with your spouse without going anywhere.

1. Classic dinner-and-a-movie date 

Dinner and a movie is a classic date ritual outside of the home, and it works just as well if you’re staying in. But what if you already happen to eat dinner and watch movies with your spouse fairly often? Make it a bigger deal by going for a theme. For example, perhaps you’ll feast on some French cuisine and watch a movie set in Paris. 

To make sure it really feels like a date, resist the urge to wear your pyjamas, at least for the dinner portion of your at-home date. Dress up a little, fix your hair, and enjoy your traditional date prep rituals. And be sure to choose your movie ahead of time so you don’t waste half an hour scrolling through Netflix trying to decide what to watch. 

2. Cook a romantic homemade meal together 

If you’re like most mums, cooking dinner is probably the least romantic moment of your day. You’re probably running back and forth stressed beyond belief, trying to avoid knocking over the cutting board with the chopped onions on it as you reach to turn the stove down to stop the pasta from boiling over, all while your face and shirt are smudged with flour. 

So cooking with your partner on a romantic date night is automatically going to feel different, even if it is something you do solo every other night. Wear something sexy (you can put on an apron for the messiest parts of the cooking), light some candles, put on some music and open up a bottle of wine.  

You don’t want to choose an overly complicated meal, but you do want one that takes some time to prepare so you’ll have more time in the kitchen together. And don’t worry if your kitchen is small – all that bumping into each other, accidentally or on purpose, will just heighten the tension for later. Remember, food tastes best when it’s made with love!

3. Board games or trivia night for some friendly competition and fun

Looking for date night ideas for those times when dinner and a movie just feels too run-of-the-mill? Take a cue from the kids and have a board game or trivia night! Working some friendly competition into your date could be just the thing you need to spice up your night in together. Plus, board games lend themselves to just as many opportunities for witty banter as dinner does. So turn off your phones, make a batch of mojitos, and hunker down at the table.

When it comes to what to play, it’s hard to go too far wrong here. Card games like Monopoly Deal are a lot of fun, especially because it’s so easy to mess up each other’s plans. Classics like Chess are great if outsmarting your partner gets your pulse racing. Feeling flirty? Play a game of Scrabble, but only naughty words will get points. Is your board game collection better suited to preschoolers? Why not play Truth or Dare or Two Truths and a Lie? If you really want to go all out, you can order a romantic board game online made specifically for couples.

Enjoying date night together is a fun ritual that lets you connect with your partner, even if going out just isn’t feasible. Whether you do it every week, once a month, or just once in a while, it’s something that allows you to momentarily step away from your parenting roles and can really help your bond grow.