Do you know how to self care? Yes, that question sounds awkwardly phrased, but there was no other way to word it because the truth is that a lot of mums say they don’t practice self-care because they just don’t know how to do it!

We all want to take care of ourselves, but a lot of mums get used to putting our kids’ needs first. And when the kids go back to school, it’s one time of year that our needs can be so easily lost in the shuffle of getting school supplies, setting up study habits, scheduling after-school activities, and getting into a new routine.

Yet this is exactly the time of year that you can start making a bigger effort with self-care since the kids are not going to need as much of your time as they did in summer. So, here are some tips for how to self care that even the busiest mamas can find time for!

1. Feed your body with love and care

In theory, this tip shouldn’t take any extra time. After all, you’re already eating every day, right? Good food is what gives your body fuel and energy, and making smart choices is very much a way of caring for yourself. Make sure you’re getting proper nourishment by making small changes, whether you try giving up meat on weekdays or switch to organic produce to avoid the harms of pesticides. Try to drink more water, and cook more food from scratch. Give your body what it needs to function effectively, and you’ll be amazed how much better you feel.

2. Try some “micro” self care approaches

Perhaps you have some idea of how to self care, but you just don’t see how you can fit it into your schedule. Long days at the spa might not be feasible any time in the foreseeable future, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take a couple minutes to put a charcoal mask on your face before you sit down for a 10-minute reading session. Likewise, you might not have time for in-depth journaling every day, but you could try one-sentence journaling or filling out a five-minute journal before bed.

3. Let joy in

Does reading the news stress you out? I doubt there’s anyone right now who can honestly say it doesn’t, yet we still keep reading it because we need to know what’s going on in the world. But these things can also keep us up at night, which is bad for our mental and physical health. How can you combat this? Gradually reduce the time you spend reading or watching the news and replace it with something more positive, like reading an uplifting book instead of news feeds or listening to an inspirational podcast on your morning commute instead of news radio.

4. Meditate for 5 minutes

Meditating doesn’t have to be this huge ritual that involves putting on yoga clothes, driving to a mountaintop, and having long reflections on the meaning of life as the sun sets. In fact, in just 5 minutes in a quiet corner of your home, you can get some of the benefits of regular meditation, such as undoing the damage caused by stress. Turn off your electronics, close your eyes, take some deep breaths, and get lost in the sensation of releasing the tension your body is holding onto. If you catch your mind wandering into other thoughts, gently nudge yourself back to an awareness of the rhythm of your breath. There are some amazing guided meditations available too, I follow ones by my yoga teacher myself.

5. Head outdoors

Getting outside for some fresh air and movement each day is one of the best things you can do for yourself, according to therapists, both mentally and physically. Whether you want to wake up 20 minutes earlier and greet the day with a short jog around the neighbourhood or you decide to start bonding with your husband over a post-dinner evening stroll, you can enjoy better sleep, reduced stress, and a boost in your immune system and mental health. Even doing a 5-minute yoga video on your balcony can go a long way.

Don’t let worries of not knowing how to self care stop you from carving out some time each day for yourself. As these tips illustrate, busy mamas can still find some self-awareness and emotional and physical nourishment. There’s no right or wrong way to do this – just find ways to feel happier or more relaxed, and your whole family will benefit!