If you need some hacks to get more done every day, I’ve got 15 reasons you should keep reading!

Every mum I know has a million things to do, and we’ve come to accept it as part of the job, so to speak. But that doesn’t mean we have to accept constantly being in a frazzled state running around like crazy until we crash in exhaustion at midnight.

I get asked a million times over how I get so much done in so little time, Check out my 15 hacks to get more done every day and watch your productivity soar!

1. Get organised

Getting organised can make all the difference when you have an endless to-do list. Whether you use a wall calendar or digital app or you like making paper to-do lists every day, use a system you’ll stick with. For example, I like using Trello for my workflows because I can see at a glance everything I need to do as well as what I’ve already accomplished and what is in progress. Google Calendar is another tool I use for a multitude of things. Whatever systems you use, do not go overboard. It can get pretty overwhelming and complicated if you are using a specific app for every specific task, so do try and streamline.

2. Set aside a few minutes for planning

A bit of planning can go a long way, so set aside a couple of minutes each day for planning, whether you’re going to do it in the morning for the day ahead or the night before. It should take no longer than 5 minutes once you get into the habit. Keep in mind any problematic times in the day ahead where you won’t be able to get anything done

3. Have goals

It’s important to set goals for yourself to accomplish during the day rather than just haphazardly going about finishing off the tasks you have floating around in your head. This goes for both work and home. My magic number is 3 goals per day. Some examples include: clear the snack cupboard, get a face mask on, and play a game of UNO with Nina. Had I not set up an intention for these goals I just might just robotically go through my days ticking off all the boxes and get nowhere else.
PS: your goals needn’t be audacious, most importantly, they need to be appropriate. It’s useless aiming for a task that you know isn’t likely to happen. Your goals will look very different from mine if you’re nursing a baby for example. And that’s the way it should be!

4. Prioritise

When you have a list of tasks for the day, number them in order of priority so you can focus on the most important task first without having to spend too much mental energy deciding what to do next. I like doing my most dreaded task first so that I can get it out of the way and feel more relaxed as the day goes on.  

5. Get up before everyone else

This is one of my top hacks to get more done. I wake up well before the rest of my family and take advantage of those quiet hours in the early morning. It’s funny how much more I can get done in the hours from 4:00 to 6:00 AM than the hours from 5:00 to 7:00 PM – I’m tempted to say that I can get twice as much done when the rest of the house is still asleep. This is because I am a morning lark, but if you’re a night owl, simply opt for the evening hours instead.

6. Streamline your morning routine

Take a look at your morning routine and see where you can make some cuts. Perhaps a new hair dryer will shave a few minutes off of drying, or maybe you can find ways to get your makeup on faster. A vacuum robot can save you time by getting your floors clean as you head out the door. There are lots of ways to save time if you know where to look.

7. Use a timer

I use this trick when getting my kids to help tidy, but it works for us mums, too. Estimate how long the task you’re about to do should take, then shave off a minute or two and set a timer and try to beat the clock. Making a game of it shifts your mindset, and you might be surprised by just how fast you can get it done! This is one of those hacks to get more done that is actually a lot of fun! Don’t forget to treat yourself if you manage to beat it! 🙂

8. Find your golden hours

Try to plan your most demanding tasks for your “golden hours” – those times during the day when you tend to be most productive. If you always feel like a nap (note the key word here – feel like 😆) right after lunch, don’t schedule big tasks for that time.

9. Break big tasks down into smaller ones

Speaking of bigger tasks, I find breaking them down into smaller ones helps me stay on track and chip away at everything that needs to get done. Big tasks or projects always seem alarmingly daunting, and not actionable in the least!

10. Create routines

Using routines for tasks you do regularly can be a big-time saver, like always cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom, tidying from left to right (my personal favourite 🤗) or folding the socks first when folding laundry. This allows you to work in autopilot mode and makes these tasks far less taxing mentally.

11. Do tasks in batches

If you have repetitive or similar tasks, doing them in batches can save you a lot of time. Instead of chopping onions three or four times throughout the week as you make each meal, chop a bunch at once when you have your veg home and store them in the fridge in portions to make the dinner rush easier.

12. Freezer meals

Any time I’m cooking something that is easy to double or triple, I do so and put the extra servings in the freezer. That way, I can plan not to cook on these busier days and I can pull them out on those days when I’m really short on time in the evening.

13. Ask for help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help, whether it’s your partner or husband taking over the laundry while you get the cooking sorted, or it’s the kids tidying their rooms so cleaning is a breeze. Once this crazy pandemic is over, it will be easier to get more help too!

14. Get enough sleep

When you’re well rested, it’s far easier to focus, so if you’re not getting enough sleep, as counterintuitive as it may sound, going to bed earlier is one of the most surprising hacks to get more done. You’ll be amazed at how quickly you fly through those tasks that normally hang over you like a dark cloud all day.

15. Be kind to yourself

Be kind to yourself and accept that you won’t always get everything done that you want to in a day. Keep in mind that the world isn’t going to end if you don’t get through your to-do list, and if it’s happening a lot, you may simply need to do less. Be realistic! You’ve got this!


Nakita xxx