If going to the beach with your family sometimes feels like more trouble than it’s worth, these beach hacks can help you bring the fun back into the equation.

Mamas, I know how it goes.

Summer’s here and a dip in the sea sounds too good to pass up.

You can just picture yourself reading a book on your beach towel while your kids splash happily near the shore – and then those less idyllic images flash through your mind from the last time you went to the beach: the two-hour scramble to track down and pack all the snacks and toys and get everyone dressed, the explosion of sand in your car and home afterward, and cranky kids testing your patience in the sweltering sun.

Sounds like fun, right?

Going to the beach doesn’t have to be a nightmare. I love going to the beach enough that I pushed through the less-than-pleasant aspects of it when my kids were younger, but I learned something from every single outing. Try these beach hacks, and soon all your beach-related memories will be happy ones!

1. Plan your food

The day before you plan to go to the beach, prepare your food, drinks and snacks. Go ahead and pack your non-perishable snacks in your bag the night before, and leave the rest together in one spot in the fridge so you can simply grab and go in the morning.

If you don’t have any insulated water bottles, consider freezing your water the night before so it will stay cold throughout the day.

2. More packing goodness

I’d also advise you keep a beach bag always stocked with the essentials that you take to the beach everytime you go. Our towels, waterproof bags for phones and so on, and my bag with beach products (sunblock, lip balm with protection, hair protection spray, jellyfish treatment cream and so on), are always packed and ready to go. If this won’t work due to lack of space of because you use these items regularly and don’t want to be searching in your beach bag, make a list. I have a list anyhow because there’s always more stuff I want to add that I cannot afford to have in my beach bag all the time, yet are important.

3. Use a pop of colour

Have you ever had one of those heart-stopping moments of terror from the shore when you realise you no longer see your child out in the water? Or, has your child ever panicked because she couldn’t spot you on the busy beach?

Dress your kids in a brightly coloured hat when you go to the beach so they’re easier to spot from a distance. And make sure you take a vibrant umbrella from home with you and plop it in the sand, so your child can spot you from afar. Do this even if you’re renting an umbrella from the beach. Having an extra one won’t hurt!

4. Get there early

If you want to avoid crowds, I suggest getting to the beach as early as possible. In my house, we’re early risers anyway and we take advantage of that to get there early and take our pick of spots on the beach.

We usually stay at the beach for at least half a day, but I still insist on going early. I’d feel too anxious if I did not have ‘front row seats’ at the beach; with the kids in and out of the water most of the day, you cannot be too careful!

5. Slather up!

Simplest of beach hacks, yet avoids a lot of headaches: I always suggest putting on sunscreen before you leave the house. It’s a lot easier to do it in the relative calm of your home than it is with the sun beating down on you while your kids are anxious to go in the water. This will give you ample time to settle down, because the kids are excited to splash. Also, sunblock needs 30 minutes to start working well and ensure that it stays on while they are in the water. So do get ahead mama!

6. Get a little dinghy for smaller kids

If you have a baby, consider buying a dinghy that is long enough for them to fit inside while laying down. This can serve three useful purposes at the beach.

First, you can pour a small amount of sea water in it and set it next to you on the beach so they have a safe space to splash while you’re relaxing (but don’t take your eyes off them!). It can also serve as a great bed when they’re ready to take a nap under your umbrella. Then, when you go in the water, you can tow them around in it!

I used this hack for both my kids, and they both kept using the dinghy well past 5 years old. Nina loves getting in and out of it herself, all while toppling over, slipping, towing her friend in it, and having a ball!

7. Have a plan for the sand

One aspect of going to the beach that is no fun is all the sand the kids track into the car and the house when you get back. These beach hacks that follow are the absolute best!

Bring a bottle filled with tap water and some shampoo so you can bring the kids back clean. This works like magic for me, because once we’re back home my daughter is so tired that bathtime used to be a nightmare. Now I just avoid them altogether and bring her back clean. She’s super relaxed when we’re back home, and plops herself down to play calmly or watch a movie, and I get the time I need to sort out the beach bags (and the sand!)

I won’t lie and say that Nina is always up for this beach shower, but when she’s not, I take her out into the terrace along with our bags (more on this below), and shower her outside. This is extremely fun, and I also get my shower out of the way in the meantime too 🙂 I keep a bottle of shampoo, conditioner, and body wash stored outside for easy access.

I’ve seen people suggest baby powder to help sand fall right off of kids’ feet, but I personally avoid this because talc is toxic. However, you can get the same effect without the dangers by using cornstarch.

I like to keep bag filled with beach toys ready to go in the car. A mesh bag is ideal for this because you can simply dunk it in the water and rinse instead of having to remove everything and wash it to individually.

I use a firmer plastic bag (think the LIDL type ;-)), and it works just as well for this purpose. I take the toys down to the sea, along with the bag on one arm, rinse and throw into the bag. An additional beach hack for you: following this process, hang the (now wet) toy bag onto the little ‘hook’ found on the side of your umbrella to dry.

Once you’re home, another thing you can do is take a laundry basket out into your yard, terrace or balcony when you get home and have a few supplies ready to clean the sand off of everything. Then, you can just throw everything back into the basket and bring it inside to put everything in its place at your convenience. MUCH quicker trust me, and if all hell breaks loose while you’re cleaning up at least you do not have to face the mess in the kitchen but can get back to it later when it’s a good time.

From one mum to another, I can tell you that it will get easier with time and practice – and I hope these beach hacks will make going to the beach as relaxing as it should be!