How to be productive when you’re not motivated

That slump. We’ve all experienced it at one point or other, for totally different reasons. I won’t go into the why, are there are many reasons for lack of motivation, and some may be a little delicate too, but I cover a few tips to help you be productive.

1. Put on some music

Music does have the tendency to lift your mood, and listening to your favourite tunes can put a spring back into your step.

2. Have a break

This may seem like it’s counter-productive but allowing yourself to slow down and indulge in something you enjoy can give you your motivation back. Think of it this way: what would be best, 4 hours of half-arsed (? ) work – or a 1 hour break and 3 hours of decent work? So chillax mama. Think of something that makes you happy and enjoy it for a while. Pick a timeframe, and do whatever you want to do. It could be reading, playing with your kids, watching your favourite show, or just breathing and giving yourself space.

3. Inject a little fun

Sometimes I feel so unmotivated to do the most mundane tasks. Emptying the dishwasher is one of them. When I feel that ‘oh-my-goodness-this-is-so-boring-I-feel-like-just sitting’ feeling coming on, I make the activity a little more fun. For me, that’s listening to an audiobook or a podcast while I do it. Now, usually I reserve this task for when my husband’s home, so I can give whatever I’m listening to my full attention (wise, huh? ? )

4. Reward yourself

Look at the task at hand, and think of a reasonable time to get it done in. Then reward yourself for getting it done on time. For example ‘If I fold all of the laundry in fifteen minutes, I’ll reward myself with a cuppa on the sofa’.

5. Do the easiest tasks first

When you’re feeling unmotivated, always start with the easiest tasks first. Your accomplishments will help you feel lighter, better, and more confident.

6. Think of the why

Often, we are so overwhelmed with everything that’s going on that we fail to appreciate why we do what we do. For example, let’s say you’re unmotivated to cook dinner. Think of why you’re cooking dinner. Your kids, husband and yourself need to eat good food. You all enjoy dinnertime together. This recipe is your youngest’s absolute favourite. Think of the grin she’ll have on her face when she finds out what’s for dinner. Changing your thoughts to more positive ones often has a very powerful effect.

7. Another mindset shift

While we’re talking mindset, it’s important that I mention that a little pep talk in front of the mirror never hurt no one. If you’re not that kind of gal, talking to yourself is just fine. Tell yourself that you can accomplish ANYTHING. And you can!

β€œNever say that you can’t do something, or that something seems impossible, or that something can’t be done, no matter how discouraging or harrowing it may be; human beings are limited only by what we allow ourselves to be limited by: our own minds. We are each the masters of our own reality; when we become self-aware to this: absolutely anything in the world is possible.

Master yourself, and become king of the world around you. Let no odds, chastisement, exile, doubt, fear, or ANY mental virii prevent you from accomplishing your dreams. Never be a victim of life; be it’s conqueror.”

― Mike Norton

8. Shorten your to-do list

Could it be that your to-do list is on the longer side? Trying to cram in too much can and will lead to you feeling s overwhelmed, that your body and brain just scream ‘STOP!’ This said, I am not a fan of to-do lists, unless they’re little ones for tiny tasks. I’ll dive deeper into this during my live! (details below!)

9. Exercise

Exercise is excellent to help you focus. Now, if you’ve got the kids at home, no excuses – you can exercise with them! Look up an exercise routine on YouTube and ask them to join you. My exercise of choice is yoga, but I’d do aerobics or dance anyday!

10. Give yourself grace

Think of all the lulls you’ve been through recently. Completely normal! It will pass πŸ™‚ Allowing yourself to feel that this perfectly ok will help you relieve the tension and the guilt feelings we most often try to hide. You’ll get back on it mama πŸ™‚

I truly hope that this blog post will be a huge help to you.

Much love on this beautiful Friday,

Nakita xxx

PS: Did you know I’m not a fan of to-do lists? The only kind I can and will use is the very short, repetitive tasks that I might just forget. The rest of the stuff – I NEVER use a to-do list. Want to hear why I want you to throw yours away? πŸ˜‚ Then you’ve got to join me live on Friday (next Friday) on the Mama Manual Facebook page at 4:30pm Malta time (GMT + 2)

* Yep, live day has been changed from Wednesday to Friday. You know I depend on my kids being out of the house to do my live, so Friday it is for this term! I’ll remind you again about next week πŸ˜‰ *