My quick tips will make any room look instantly tidier. I love a tidy house, but I love my slow lifestyle more! Although I am a perfectionist, nutter for order and a control freak by nature, I have found ways to accept that good enough is okay, and that self-care is far more important than having a perfect home.

These 5 ways I am about to share with you helped me make peace with ‘good enough’.

Here goes…

1. Prioritise

Have a look at the room in question. What is the biggest offender? It might be that huge pile of laundry on the sofa, or the messy kitchen counter. Whatever it is – work on that first.

2. Transport to other rooms

Go around the room with a laundry basket and start collecting things which do not belong in that room. If there’s a lot of clutter, fill the basket once for each room, unload it, and come back for more.

3. Neaten the clutter

I use this tip to death! In our main living area, Nina usually leaves a lot of little bits and pieces lying around. I find a colour on the kitchen counter, then a toy bottle under the sofa, a hairbrush under the table, drawing paper on the table…
I like to at least pick up all the odd bits and pieces and neatly store them (stash them? :-D) on the top of her play kitchen in the same room. So while I have not gone as far as putting everything back into it’s place, at least they’re not lying all around the main living area but are lined up neatly in one place. I usually deal with them all at one go, right before bedtime (and I get Nina to help 😉 )

4. Straighten the cushions

…and the carpets, beds, arrange the curtains…these little details make all the difference!

5. Give it a quick sweep and/or mop

Or, better yet, let your robot do the work!

Nakita xxx