Do you practice self-care daily?

I know, life is hectic. So many people depend on you. Starting from that little human who calls your name tens of time a day, to your husband or partners, to extended family members, your dog…and we could go on forever.

Just the fact that so many people depend on you, is reason enough to practice self-care daily. “One cannot pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first” pretty much says it all.

Here are 10 self-care practices I say yes to daily

1. As if you didn’t know already…I read

Reading is of the most relaxing activities I engage in. To me, a good book is by far the BEST way to not think about anything else, and naturally, I switch off.
If you’re a bookworm too (join the #bookworm club!), you might want to take a look at my favourite reads here.

2. I meditate

This is something I’ve started doing every morning, when the house is quiet. At best, I meditate for 10 minutes, but I at least do 5 minutes each morning. I’m learning to let my thoughts flow by and sit serenely with myself, breathing and finding calm.

3. I declutter

This might sound odd to you if you’re not the decluttering type. To me, this is a form of self-care. Letting go fo the things which do not serve me gives me a sense of relief.

4. I clear my space

Clearing the house also gives me great satisfaction. When the house is clear, my mind feels clear too.

5. I laugh

What’s life without a little humour? I try not to take life too seriously and am forever making fun of myself.

6. I have a mindful shower

I really do try to be mindful throughout the day, but it’s only natural that productivity takes over most of the time! I make it a point to at least have one mindful shower every single day.

7. I sleep

Ok, I might not get a full 8 hours everyday, but I’m in bed by 10:30pm maximum, and am out of bed at 5:30am every morning. I feel rested and refreshed after a night’s sleep – so important to me!

8. I simplify my schedule

My days are planned out very intentionally. I do not cram in appointments, nor do I say yes to everything. If I can take a wise shortcut, I’ll surely do so.

9. I wear makeup

Some people might think it’s vanity, but to me, wearing makeup is self-care. I enjoy enhancing my best features and toning down my not-so-best. It’s also a form of self-expression, and creativity in itself.

10. I eat good food

Eating delicious, wholesome food is a core component to self care. Food keeps us alive. I feel nourished, vibrant and healthy when I am consuming good food.

That reminds me, it’s now lunchtime. I’m off to devour my rye bread topped with homemade strawberry jam, avocado & feta cheese – yum!

PS: I’m sharing my morning get-ready routine on Tuesday during my Facebook live. Join me on the Mama Manual Facebook page at 4:30pm Malta time (GMT +1). See you there!