I will not go as far as saying that I am a minimalist.

However, the older I get the more I come to terms with the fact that I do not need a lot of things to be happy. On the contrary, there are actually several reasons why owning less lends to less stress and more happiness.

Here’s why.

1. It’s far easier to keep the home tidy

Amen! Less stuff in our home equals less tidying up and less decluttering to be done, and less things to clean!

2. Resources are saved

Be it money, space, energy, time or attention; owning less means that less is asked from us. Our wallets are happier, and we needn’t devote extra attention or time to the things we do not need.

3. The things we love are here, there and everywhere

Don’t you just hate it when the stuff you love is lost in a sea of bits and pieces that do not light you up? Owning less instantly allows the things that you truly love take their rightful space exactly where you can see them.

4. More free time

The more stuff you have the more stuff owns you. From shopping, to maintenance, to cleaning, and to looking for stuff – owning less will free up your time to a degree you cannot fathom.

5. I can be intentional

Being intentional with your choices is a surefire way to ignite happiness. Case in point – we have six matching mugs in our home, which we chose because they reminded us of the mugs we sipped tea on while we were in Bali on our honeymoon. They spark joy each time I look at them, and no excessive number of mugs could ever make me feel that way.

A few years back, I was the exact opposite of where I am today. I owned way too much. My kitchen cupboards were crowded with gadgets I did not use, and my closet with clothes I did not wear.

What I have shared with you today comes from a place of familiarity. I know how stressful owning too much can be.

The decision to change our lifestyle and simplify our surroundings was taken because I felt there was too much time wasted (besides other things). Primarily however, it was the time that mattered most to me. Time that was better spent with my family, and for myself.

If you’ve read the book you know exactly what I mean. You’ve been on the journey with me. Owning less is one of the strategies that is covered within it’s pages, along with other initiatives to live a more intentional life by saving hours every single day.

We tend to over-complicate life in general, when all that is needed is some thought. Next time you are on a mission to buy, think before splurging. That will save you the headaches that come with owning more than you actually need.

I wish you all a fantastic weekend with your loved ones.

Much love,

Nakita xxx

PS: If you haven’t already, get access to my free ‘Medicine Cabinet Organisation 101’ guide. This is one of the serious pain points I had in my past life. Go check out the deets here!