10 minute pick-me-ups for stressed out mums

When was the last time you stopped and took 10 minutes to yourself?  10 minutes might sound like very little, but in actual fact, 10 minutes of pure self-loving can be very beneficial.  It is just enough time to give you a little boost, yet not long enough for guilt feelings to kick in, or for schedules to be disrupted.

Here are a few 10 minute pick-me-ups for stressed out mums:

  1. Do nothing

    At face value, this looks pretty simple, but doing nothing for 10 full minutes can be a challenge!  Sit down somewhere quiet and just be.  It’s not just a question of stopping whatever you are doing.  It’s all about calming your mind, and cultivating tranquility.

  2. Breathe

    Breathing exercises are my favourite way to combat anxiety in a matter of minutes.  I specifically mention the exercises I follow in my book, as part of my list of what to do in your free time (yes, my book gives you just that!)
    Basically, the 4-7-8 breathing technique involves the following:
    Relax your tongue.  Exhale completely.  Close your mouth.  Inhale through your nose for 4 seconds.  Hold for 7 seconds.  Exhale for 8 seconds.  Repeat as necessary.

  3. Reading

    A good book can take you to another world and can briefly release us from the daily constraints and challenges.  I love getting lost in the pages of a brilliant read!

  4. Have a mindful drink

    My favourite drink is tea, but you can do this with any other hot beverage, or even water!  Sit down for a change, and sip your drink slowly, noticing how it tastes and feels with your mouth.  More often than not, our thoughts are far from intentional.  A simple mindfulness practice will slow things down and will teach you to see what’s obscured by distraction.

  5. Enjoy a bath

    I try to do this once in a while, and when I do, buy does it get lavish!  I fill the bath to the brim and add a few drops of lavender oil.  The lights go off and I enjoy my me-time bathed in candlelight, sometimes with my favourite music in the background.  Absolute bliss!

  6. Apply body lotion

    Rubbing in body lotion all over your body is a brilliant stress-reliever.  Apply some pressure and massage yourself while you apply it.  This will help your body produce endorphins – a feel-good hormone that boosts happiness and alleviates pain and stress.

  7. Go for a brisk walk

    The fresh air combined with a little physical activity can work wonders.  I often do this when I feel I am at the end of my tether.  A brisk walk around the block helps me keep my calm and gives me time to reframe an otherwise negative situation.

  8. Listen to your favourite tunes

    Crank up the music, and go!  Listen as you clean, declutter, or at any point during your day.  Let down your hair, dance and sing and be silly.  Include your kids and make it FUN!

If you enjoyed this blog post, do head on over to my ‘Ask An Expert’ interview called ‘Deal stress with using mindfulness’.  It’s loaded with tips on how to use mindfulness techniques to ease stress – lovely!