I wrote a book and turned my dream into reality.  A real book with an ISBN number and 240 pages brimming with valuable advice.  Had you told me I will write and publish a book of my own a few years ago, I would have probably laughed and said “Yeah, right'”.

So what changed?  Plenty, I might say.

I have always dreamt of writing a book.  Dreams however, rarely materialise unless you BELIEVE you can succeed and work hard to achieve them.
Plenty of people have asked me “How?”, “How did you manage to write a book?”

Here are my 7 steps to turn that dream into reality.

1. Stop making excuses

There are hundreds of reasons we tell ourselves why we should not go for it.  I don’t have the time*, I’m not good enough, talented enough, smart enough or I might not make a success of it are only a few.  These beliefs are self-limiting and are stopping you from setting achievable goals to to turn your dream into reality.
Ask yourself: “What is the worst that could happen?”  If your answer is something on the lines of giving it your best shot and things not materialising quite the way you expected them to, then what are you waiting for?  Surely, you will enjoy the process and you will learn a lesson or two.  “The only failure is not trying”, are the wise words of Robin S. Sharma.

2. Set achievable and specific goals

Besides being realistic, it’s also important to be specific when setting your goals.  I’m going to take myself as an example.  I am a working mum and have a husband, two kids, and a home to care for.  Had my goal been to write my book in six months, it would have never materialised.  Instead, my initial goal was to write for 30 minutes every evening.  Note how I was specific in saying I had to write for 30 minutes each day.  Now, this goal was both achievable and specific, and I did follow through.

3. Visualise

Imagine yourself in the future, when your dream has become a reality.  Imagine so vividly that you start to feel that what you are working towards has already happened.  Say to yourself ‘When I become…’, or ‘When I….’ – and actually convince yourself that whatever it is that you are working on will materialise.  You might not believe in manifestation, but it is a thing.  Did you know that actor Jim Carrey used to park his car in Mulholland Drive every night before he became a movie star?  He used to visualise himself becoming an award-winning actor, and even wrote himself a 10 million dollar cheque for a movie deal and dated it five years on.  Guess what happened a few months shy of five years into the future?  Jim Carrey landed a leading role in ‘Dumb and Dumber’, which earned him 10 million dollars!
In addition, visualising is a powerful tool that will help you stay on track and to remind you where you are headed.  When you know what your end goal is, it is easier to trust your instincts and stay true to yourself and what you have set out to do.  Create visual reminders in the form of images, notes or trinkets to remind you everyday why you chose that path and why you must not give up.

4. Share your dream

It was not before I had the courage to tell a few people what I was up to that I started to take myself seriously.  Keeping my dream to myself meant I was keeping my dream in the dark and not letting it thrive in the light.  Once I openly said to a couple of people “I’m writing a book”, I felt that it was real, it was happening, and there was no going back.
You will need a support system for when things get tough. You will get discouraged, anxious and will pass through moments of self-doubt.  Your people will be there to encourage you and remind you why you started this in the first place.

5. Enjoy yourself

Have fun working on your project!  Buy some new stationery, work with your favourite tunes in the background, and treat yourself to your favourite cuppa while you work.  If you have an office, freshen it up by spending a little cash to make it ‘yours’.  If you do not have an office, still make a little corner, nook or cranny your own.  I work in a little corner in our living room.  I turn off the lights and leave just a corner lamp on.  My pretty orchid sits next to me, as does my favourite mug that reminds me of Bali, and a vanilla scented candle to set the mood.

6. Inspire yourself

Read success stories online.  Read a book.  Join Facebook groups.  Listen to podcasts.  Follow YouTube channels, blogs and Instagram accounts of people you admire.  There are a ton of motivating people and stories out there that you can tap into.

7. Celebrate along the way

Each and every mini-goal or success deserves a little celebration.  What better way to encourage yourself than to give yourself a good old pat on the back?  Feeling excited, elated and grateful will give you the strength and confidence to keep working towards reaching your dream.

Today is the day my debut book is launched!  After two years of hard, but enjoyable and rewarding work, ‘the Mama Manual – How busy mums get organised’ has it’s own place in the world.  You can get it here, for € 14.99.

*If time is your concern, my book is your answer!  I promise you, by reading it you will learn how to CREATE TIME – and what better proof than my book to show for it? 🙂