Mother’s Day is just two days away!  For those of you with young children, it is up to your husband to plan something for the day.  I know that many husbands have been racking their brains trying to think of something special to buy or do to celebrate the day.  I also know that many husbands feel a lot of pressure not to disappoint!

Husbands, and more specifically, my husband – here is what I want for Mother’s Day.

Before your mind starts to wander, what I want is pretty simple.  I might be a fan of handbags, clothes, gadgets and all things pretty, but what I desire is far from this.

All I want is to be mama without being mama for just one day

I want the perks without the challenges.  The ups without the downs. I want a simple, unusually slow day where I can savour you and the kids.  I want to appreciate our home, our life together, every millisecond of one undemanding day.

Prepare for the day

Come Saturday, sit down and make a plan.  List the things I usually do on a Sunday so you can take away all my chores.  If you need to ask me anything, or prepare anything in advance, let’s do it on Saturday.  You know I wake up early on Sunday morning to prepare lunches and breakfasts for the week ahead, along with next day’s dinner.  Let me know on Saturday that we should food prep together on Saturday instead.
Buy my favourite magazine today – more on this below!

Easy like Sunday morning

I would love to sleep in just a little bit.  At 8am wake me up with hugs and kisses from you and the kids.  Jump into bed with me to wish me a happy Mother’s Day, and give me a card with a few special words.  Let me cry a little bit.  You know I love happy tears 🙂

Luxurious breakfast

My idea of a luxurious breakfast doesn’t involve great expense – in time or money.  The food can be as simple as a ham and cheese toastie and a mug of tea.  I want to be sat down outside in the terrace to enjoy our food and a chat, and not have to rush for once.  After breakfast, pour me another cuppa and whip out the magazine you bought for me.  Leave me alone outside for some minutes to take in the beauty of the quiet morning and have a short read while I drink my tea.

Getting ready

Just for once, I want to have a long, hot shower without hearing the kid’s demands which I cannot say no to.  I don’t want to scrub myself furiously and have to run out of the shower half dressed to sort out that morning’s mayhem.  I want to revel in our steamy, tiny shower, without a care in the world, and not have to rush.
The kids are busy, because you are getting them dressed and ready to take them for out for a walk and a short trip to the swings.  This will give me time to get ready without having our little one digging in my makeup box.  I can apply my eyeliner without having to stop every 2 seconds because she has yet again opened another lipstick.  I am able to choose my outfit with care and without answering to ‘Mum’ every 5 seconds and dodging toys being thrown here and there.
PS: Don’t forget to pack a bag with snacks, water, potty and a few things to entertain Nina when we go out.  Daddies of babies – I suggest you make a list with your wives of what you should pack tomorrow!  Don’t forget anything essential!

Let’s do something together

I’m not fussy about what we do.  If we do lunch, which we usually do, it needn’t be fancy at all.  The most important thing is that we are together.  A table outside would be nice, since the weather is perfect for outdoor lunching this time of the year!
After lunch, all I want is a GREAT photo of me and the kids together.  You know I love taking photos, but I also love to be in them!  I tried to find a photo of me and both kids together and I could not!  Might I suggest you be prepared with a bribe for the kids? Haha! Something like – ‘Kids, smile for the camera, and you get to play with the bubble shooter’ might do the trick!

Back home

I usually unpack our bags, and give the house a quick decluttering session.  Please take care of this today.  See that the kids are happy and settled in, and let me laze on the sofa with you.  Do not, under any circumstances, let me get up to do something or other.  You know how I am – I will find something that needs doing FOR SURE.  Remind me that it is my day today, and I deserve to relax.  You might want to check on me – because I might feel guilty for taking so much time to myself today and you just might find me working!

Be me

Just for Mother’s Day, I would like you to ‘be me’.  Be the go-to person for drinks, snacks, spills, petty arguments, 50 requests an hour and wiping little bums 🙂  When the kids say ‘mum’, answer to them (and take note of how many times they say it!).  Just be me for one day.  This will really help you understand what kind of mental energy is spent in the space of a few hours.

(Just a quick note- my husband is very involved in the kids’ life and our chores, and I am in no way saying I do it all myself!  However, as I am sure it is in most cases, I am the one who gets called a 100 times a day for this, that and the other, and I am the one who manages our day to day.  It would be nice to get a break from it for just one day!)

This is what I would like for Mother’s Day.  I am pretty sure that a lot of dads are nodding their heads and wondering why they spent so much time searching for the perfect gift when it was right under their noses!  Go for it dads, spoil your wives rotten by letting them truly enjoy their day.  You will surely be thanked for it!

Mamas, may I take this opportunity to wish you A HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY.  I do hope you get what you wished for! 😉

Dads – good luck!  Well, I’ve made it pretty easy for you this year!

Nakita xxx