Friday habits for a stress-free weekend

As the week rolls on, the weekend looks more enticing than ever.  I can just about manage to get out of bed on a Thursday morning, but come Friday energy levels run high.  Everyone is in a supremely good mood.  The usual curt ‘g’morning’ from my somewhat cold neighbour now somewhat resembles a smile and a decent hello.  The traffic doesn’t seem half as bad, and even if it was, no one seems to care.  On Fridays, good natured drivers nod their heads and pleasantly give you right of way even when it’s not rightfully yours.
After such an agreeable morning, and an enjoyable day at work, we’re all tempted to slack a little come Friday evening, because after all ‘we deserve it’.

This is my fantasy Friday eve to-do list:

  1. Unpack bags
  2. Fix kids a snack
  3. Get kids showered and changed into their pyjamas
  4. Cook up a simple dinner – preferably something already cooked out of the freezer!
  5. Eat
  6. Clear up after dinner
  7. Play with the kids
  8. Shower whilst Neil (my hubby) puts our youngest to bed
  9. Pour myself a glass of wine
  10. Work on my blog
  11. Pour myself another glass of wine
  12. Eat a packet of truffle flavoured Twistees (heaven..!)
  13. Blog some more
  14. Go to bed and watch trashy TV (The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills!) until I fall asleep

The following Saturday morning is not half as fun as Friday night unfortunately!
Remember the scene from the movie ‘Home Alone’ when everyone wakes up ultra-late to catch their flight and all the family are racing from room to room bumping into each other in utter desperation?  Yep, that’s us, the Saturday morning after my ‘fantasy’ Friday.

Hmmm…now that’s no fun is it?  Really takes away the joy brought on from all the indulgent moments of the night before!  Alas, I have no choice but to plan my Friday nights differently.

My actual Friday eve to-do list:

  1. Unpack bags
  2. Throw in a load of laundry
  3. Fix kids a snack
  4. Prepare portable breakfasts for Saturday morning
  5. Get kids showered and changed into their pyjamas
  6. Cook up a simple dinner – preferably something already cooked out of the freezer!
  7. Eat
  8. Clear up after dinner
  9. Play with the kids
  10. Get Nina’s bag packed for ballet
  11. Prepare a few packed healthy snacks for our busy Saturday running errands
  12. Shower whilst Neil (my hubby) puts our youngest to bed
  13. Put the load in the dryer
  14. Make the house look decent
  15. Do some cleaning
  16. Check our calendar for the next day and prepare anything which needs to be taken with us (chequebook, returns etc)
  17. Take the load out of the dryer, fold and put away
  18. Depending on what time it is – I usually work on my blog a while longer than I do during the week.  I like to treat myself to a glass of wine too once in a while!

Can you picture the difference the second to-do list makes to our Saturday mornings?  As much as I would love to take it super-easy on Friday evenings, it doesn’t do me any favours!

Good Friday habits = stress-free weekends!

Have a good Friday everyone!

Nakita xxx