Posts tagged with: how to

Never be late again! (in 7 easy steps)

I can count the number of times I have been late on one hand.  I hate being late.  Even with a newborn and a second child, I was rarely ever late...

Ask an Expert: Deal with stress using mindfulness

Ask an Expert: Deal with stress using mindfulness Hello mamas! This time around during ‘Ask an Expert’, we get to ask all we would love to know about dealing with...

Tips to make preparing lunches more bearable

Last week on the Mama Manual Facebook page, I asked a question which got many mamas typing away. I posted the following: One of the most popular responses was preparing...

How I lost 6 kilos in 3 months without going on a diet

Getting rid of baby weight is no easy task, and, it’s those last few kilos that take forever to budge!  Here’s how to lose weight without going on a diet…...

Spring cleaning made easy

Spring cleaning essentially means that come spring, every nook and cranny in your house gets scrubbed until it shines.  The task in itself can seem very daunting, which it can...

On Valentine’s day: All about love

On Valentine’s day: All about love Dear mamas, This is not your traditional Valentine’s Day post.  We are all inundated with proclamations of love, bouquets of flowers, photos of happy...

Ditching the dummy this Christmas – and how to do it!

Mamas, I feel you.  I know that just thinking about your child having to do without their dummy gives you extreme anxiety.  The same goes for any other comfort, such as the...