If you have picky eaters in your house, it’s natural to get anxious when meal and snack times roll around. What should you serve? Is there going to be resistance? Will you end up wasting time and food? 

The good news is that snack time doesn’t have to end in tears. Check out this list of versatile snacks that can be adapted to please nearly all picky eaters!

  • Yogurt parfait: Flavoured yogurt is loaded with sugar, so buy plain yogurt and stir in whatever your picky eater loves. For example, you could sweeten it with jam or honey and sprinkle in some granola, cereal, nuts, or fruit for a custom treat.
  • Trail mix: Here’s another easy snack that you can customise to suit the palate of picky eaters. Nuts and dried fruit should form the base, but you can take it wherever you want from there. Suggested mix-ins: pumpkin or sunflower seeds, popcorn, pretzels, cereal, or even chocolate chips if it’s not hot enough that melting is a concern.
  • Popcorn: Air-popped popcorn is a nutritious whole grain, and it’s so easy to tailor to picky kids’ tastes. If they’re a little more adventurous you can toss it in olive oil and parmesan, use your kids’ favourite spices, or sprinkle some cinnamon and a little bit of brown sugar on it. 
  • Half a sandwich: Many of us tend to associate sandwiches with lunch, but if they’re not on the menu in your house today at lunchtime, why not serve up half a sandwich as a snack? Use whatever type of bread and filling your child enjoys for a quick and portable snack.
  • Cottage cheese with fruit: Rich in protein and without much flavour on its own, most kids won’t turn their nose up at this cold and creamy food – especially when you mix in their favourite berries and top with a little bit of crunchy cereal. If your kids aren’t berry fans, peaches or apricots also pair incredibly well with cottage cheese.
  • Apple slices with nut butter: Anything that involves dipping usually goes over well with picky eaters because it lets them control ratios. Peanut butter and apples are a popular pairing, but apples also go well with almond butter and cashew butter.
  • Cheese and crackers plate: Cheese and crackers are a classic combo. Cut up whatever cheese your child likes and pile some crackers or cut-up bread on a plate. Garnish with some apple slices or grapes (if they’re old enough to eat them safely) for a balanced and filling snack.
  • Rice cakes with peanut butter: Rice or oat cakes with a generous smear of peanut butter are super-quick to prepare and almost universally loved. Sprinkle some cinnamon or a few chocolate chips on top to make it even more special. We actually love these with almond butter in our house. Tastes great too!
  • Smoothie: I love smoothies for picky eaters because it’s so easy to hide nutritious foods in there. Frozen bananas are a great base ingredient that will give the smoothie an irresistible ice cream-like texture. Add berries, nut butter, and their favourite milk or plant-based drink, and then throw in a handful of spinach – it will be our little secret!
  • Oatmeal: Oatmeal is a clever food for picky eaters. You can cook oatmeal in the microwave if you’re in a real rush, but what I love most about it is how versatile it is. Good stir-in suggestions: peanut or almond butter, cinnamon, brown sugar, cut up fruit, jam, raisins or maple syrup.
  • Tortilla roll-ups: Take a whole wheat tortilla and spread some cream cheese or hummus across it. Then, top with some veggies or lunchmeat, and roll it up for a portable, healthy treat. You can also make a sweet version of this using peanut butter or Nutella and sliced bananas. Sometimes it’s more fun if you slice it up after rolling to turn it into a finger food.

Pleasing picky eaters can be really challenging at snack time, but don’t give up. There are so many ways to adapt these snacks that you’re sure to find a winner!