Mealtime doesn’t have to be a battle of wills between you and your kids. Instead, it can be transformed into a fun and interactive experience that can encourage healthy eating habits for life.

By incorporating games and playful activities into meal preparation and dining, you can instill a love for nutritious foods while fostering a positive relationship with food.
Let’s explore some creative strategies to turn mealtime into playtime and make healthy eating exciting for kids.

A few of these strategies have worked wonders for my kids (both picky eaters), a few others have failed. But I do know many moms who have had an entirely different experience with their children, so it’s a matter of trying to see what works!

1. Shopping Games to Select Veggies

Start the healthy eating journey right at the grocery store with a fun shopping game. Give each child a list of colorful vegetables to find, such as carrots, bell peppers, and broccoli. Encourage them to search for the items themselves and check them off as they go. You can even turn it into a friendly competition to see who can find all their veggies first. Not only does this game make grocery shopping more enjoyable, but it also teaches kids about different types of vegetables and gets them excited to try new ones.
If you’re not shopping with your kids in tow (I feel you!), you could also make a game out of having the veggies at home. This is a great way to encourage healthy eating.

2. Cooking and Tasting Adventures

Whenever it is possible, involve your kids in the cooking process by turning it into an adventurous activity. Let them do age appropriate cooking activities: maybe wash, chop, and stir alongside you as you prepare a delicious and nutritious meal together. As you cook, encourage them to taste different ingredients and guess what flavors they can detect. This hands-on approach not only helps develop their culinary skills but also makes them more invested in the meal. Plus, by involving them in the cooking process, they’ll be more likely to try new foods and appreciate the effort that goes into preparing them. This could be a weekend family bonding activity.

3. Cover Eyes and Try & Guess Which Food

Take the excitement up a notch by playing a sensory guessing game during mealtime. Blindfold your kids or have them cover their eyes, then place small pieces of various fruits or vegetables on their plate. Encourage them to use their sense of touch, smell, and taste to guess what each food is. This game not only makes mealtime more interactive but also helps kids become more familiar with different textures and flavors. You can even turn it into a family tradition by playing it regularly and keeping track of who guesses the most foods correctly.

4. Reward Chart to Encourage Them to Try New Foods

To reinforce positive eating behaviors, create a reward chart where kids can earn stickers or stars for trying new foods, eating their veggies, or making healthy choices. Display the chart in a prominent place in the kitchen where everyone can see it, and let your kids decorate it with colorful markers or stickers. Set achievable goals and celebrate their successes along the way. This not only motivates them to make healthier choices but also builds their confidence and self-esteem.

Personally, this was the game that worked most with my daughter. Her goal was to try new foods. I felt the pressure for her to eat her veggies was too much, but asking her to try the food (really try it, not put the food in her mouth and spit it out) was an easier ask. We had plenty of successes and over time there were foods she actually started to like and eat.

I’d recorded a Facebook Live on this chart and it’s shared on my YouTube channel if you want to take a look. I don’t produce videos for it any longer but there’s some pretty good stuff over there. Go here to watch it.

Give these games a shot and let me know how it goes!

By incorporating these games and activities into your mealtime routine, you can turn healthy eating into a fun and enjoyable experience for the whole family. Remember to be patient and flexible, and don’t be afraid to get creative and tailor the games to your child’s interests and preferences. With consistency and encouragement, you’ll be well on your way to finally getting out of the picky eating slump which is sooo frustrating, I know!

Drop me a DM on Instagram and let me know how this goes for you! You can find me here.


Nakita xxx