If you’ve been looking to spend less on groceries, you’re not alone. Food prices have been on the rise, and it doesn’t look like they will come down any time soon. In fact, “how to save on groceries 2022” is gaining a lot of momentum in searches as we all scramble to find ways to stretch our food budget – and the year isn’t even halfway over yet! Here’s some advice that goes beyond the usual coupon clipping to help you find new ways you can keep food costs down.

1. Shop online

If there is any upside to the pandemic, it’s the way it forced stores to step up their online shopping offerings. These days, most grocery stores offer online shopping, and it’s a great way to save money because you can easily see a running tally of your total and add or remove from your shopping cart as needed. But perhaps most importantly, it’s way easier to stick to your list when you buy groceries online as you won’t be tempted to make any impulse buys. These can really add up, so if you’re the kind of person who often stops at the store for 4 items only to come home with 24 items, this could be a real game changer for you.

2. Meal planning

Lots of people think the main reason for meal planning is to save time, and while it certainly does accomplish that, it also helps you save a surprising amount of money on groceries. It means you won’t need to go to the store on emergency runs, and it also makes you more efficient with the food you have. By planning how to use leftovers and ensuring all the produce and other perishables you buy are used up, you’ll be buying less and wasting less. Don’t forget we’re absolute pros at this > The Dinner Plan could be your saving grace.

3. Shop the offers

This could have a dramatic effect on your shopping bills. Try leafing through the store magazines that get delivered home, or browse the offer sections online. If you have coupons, use them. Base your meal plans on whatever’s on offer. Looking at what’s in season is also a great idea. Buy in bulk, batch cook, and freeze.

4. Shop the lower shelves

Did you know that grocery stores place pricier items and those with higher profit margins at eye level? Their research shows that people are more likely to spot them and grab them without looking around to see if another item is a better deal. Get ahead of this by scanning the shelves from top to bottom before you make your selection – you could well find a cheaper alternative and spend less on groceries with minimal effort.

5. Compare unit pricing

If you’ve ever had the feeling there is less cereal than usual in your cereal box or you’re not getting as many scoops of ice cream out of the tub as you used to, you’re probably not going crazy. Many brands and stores have been reducing the quantities of foods in containers but selling them for the same price as always to combat inflation. Comparing unit pricing, such as the price per litre, of similar products is the best way to find out which ones give you more value for money.

6. Try store brands

We all have our favourite brands of certain foods, but for everything else, you can save significant money when you buy the store brand. If you’re nervous about making the switch, why not start buying a couple of family staples each week from a cheaper brand and see if you notice any difference? This is especially good advice for anything you buy from the cleaning or beauty aisle. Perhaps you swear by a certain shampoo, but if you’re indifferent when it comes to hand soap or bath gel, you could end up saving a lot of money. 

Keep in mind that when you’re researching how to save in groceries every month, not all solutions will work for you. Tips on how to save on groceries for one person won’t always translate to families, and even advice geared toward bigger households isn’t going to be right for every family. The key is to find practical tips that suit your lifestyle and your family’s tastes so you can spend less on groceries while still ensuring everyone is well fed and happy!