Whether you’re still not comfortable with visiting the spa, beauty salon or the likes, or simply want to retain a fraction of the slowness the coronavirus pandemic has treated us to, I’m sure you’ll enjoy these home beauty tips I’m sharing here today.

Here are some quick at-home beauty tips that will help you up your self-care game in a matter of minutes!

Try body brushing

If you’ve never heard of dry brushing before, now is a good time to learn more about it.

By brushing your skin in small circles with a stiff-bristled brush made just for this purpose, you can give your circulation a boost while exfoliating your skin and leaving it soft and smooth.

Get a brush made specifically for dry brushing and set aside a minute or two before your shower a couple times a week for this soothing self-care routine. 

Apply a face mask before starting your evening home reset

If you manage to get some time to yourself in the evening, why not make the most of it and apply a face mask before you get started?

If you don’t have a mask on hand, you can easily find recipes online using kitchen staples like oats, honey and avocado.

Put it on, and let your skin savour it while you bring your home back to it’s former glory, or even better – sit down and read or write in your journal, and then rinse it off so you can walk away from your evening home reset time feeling renewed outside and in. 

Leave a hand cream on your nightstand so you remember to apply it every evening

It’s hard to find a good moment to put on some hand cream during the day. I feel like I’m always just about to cook, clean something up, or work on my computer – all tasks that I definitely don’t want greasy hands for!

That’s why I like to leave a tube of hand cream on my nightstand. Before bed is the ideal time to apply it because I know won’t really be touching anything, and some hand cream tubes are pretty enough to serve as décor in their own right!

PS: You could also leave your hand cream next to the bathroom or kitchen sink.

Apply moisturiser and wear socks to bed

Taking care of your feet doesn’t have to be a huge production.

Now that summer’s here, you’ll want your feet to be their softest, so apply a heavy cream or moisturizer and put on some socks before you get under the sheets at night.

The socks will help to hold moisture in, keep dirt from the floor from sticking to your feet, and help you avoid staining your sheets – just make sure they’re cotton so your feet can breathe!

Give yourself a face massage

Don’t worry – you don’t need a fancy cream or state-of-the-art device for a face massage. It’s all about applying your usual face cream or facial oil in a different way.

Instead of slathering it on as quickly as possible and moving on to the next step in your routine, take about two minutes to give yourself a facial massage to help prevent wrinkles and put your mind at ease.

Start from the centre of your face and work your way outwards and upwards, sculpting the contours of your face. The warmth from your hands will help the product sink in – just be careful not to let the product get too close to your eyes. 

Treat your hair

Applying a hair mask or treatment needn’t mean you stand in the shower waiting until the product you’ve applied has sat in your hair for the recommended time. Believe me, I’d NEVER treat my hair had this been my only option 🙂
Do this instead. When you plan to wash your hair, earlier in the day, dampen your hair. Next, apply the treatment to your hair, and pull back in a bun. You get bonus points if you also manage to wrap your hair in plastic and fabric over it. The heat helps the product work better. I (re-use) a disposable shower cap, then wrap a large scarf over it.

These home beauty tips prove that you don’t need a lot of time or money to give your self-care routine a boost. If you have any of your own quick and easy tips, be sure to share them with us below in the comments!