Nina, who is almost 4 years old, goes to bed at 7pm every night.
We might decide to stretch it just a little bit on weekends, but we would never let her stay up way past her bedtime for no valid reason, or until she decides she wants to go to bed.

Yes, summer and winter, holidays and not, our child has a fairly strict 7pm bedtime.

We’ve had a few odd looks from parents who think that this is strange.
I am completely understanding of parents who decide to put their kids to bed at a later hour. At the end of the day it is a personal decision. I also appreciate the fact that not all parents are able to do what we do, especially from a logistical standpoint. I know several mums or dads who work long hours, or odd shifts, and that is certainly a challenge when it comes to kids and bedtimes.

Here is why, however, this works for us.

1. Nina is really tired past 7pm

Even if she wakes up later than usual, her body clock is attuned to her routine. If we dare let her stay awake for much longer, she becomes unreasonable, cranky and is bound to throw a tantrum or two.

2. Things get done real quick once she’s in bed

Batch cooking, emptying the dishwasher, decluttering, filling out forms, meal planning…what would otherwise take a reasonably long time takes a fraction of it.

3. I can be more present when she’s awake

I think I would stress myself out if Nina had a much later bedtime. Knowing that I have ample time to get more than a few things out of the way when she’s fast asleep helps me to focus on the present.

4. We can have our ‘us’ time

Date nights at home? Yes please! Although I do love a nice dinner date in a restaurant, spending quality time at home is just as great!

5. …and we both can have our ‘me’ time

Neil shoots himself off to the gym several times a week. I love my reading and could not go for one night without it. There’s time for movies, baths, and chilling. Bliss.

6. I can work on the blog, my writing, and I can study

I love all of this so much I could also say that this is ‘me time’, but that would probably confuse you.
I’ve recently taken up studying again and am a very keen online marketing student. Suffice to say that silence is a strict requirement for the all of the above!

Do you also have a strict bedtime for your kids?
Share your reply in the comments below!