Unless you are a decluttering fanatic like me, decluttering won’t top your list of fun things to do.

The feeling of satisfaction the results reap however is another story. And when it takes a mere 5 minutes to do – it’s a win win!

Here are a five 5 minute decluttering projects worth doing NOW

1. Winter accessories

They’re thick and bulky, and winter is totally over. Remove all of your thick scarves, gloves and hats. Check that everything is in great condition, and remove any pieces you have not worn this winter. Fold, and put everything back neatly into it’s place.

2. Laundry supplies

Often low on our priority list, laundry supplies often need a little attention. Check all your stock. Remove any empty bottles. Give the remaining ones a good wipe. Clean the shelf, cupboard or surface that holds all your detergents. Perhaps it’s time to leave a little bin where your laundry supplies are. I know that if I do not, we’d have tumble dryer fluff all over the place!

3. Your handbag

Take out everything. All of it. Might I suggest you do this close to a trash can? 🙂
Chances are, you’ve got a long-lost lippy hiding at the bottom, and a few loose change in there too. Discard the stuff that belongs in the trash, clean your bag, decide what stays and what goes, and pack it neatly.
5 minute decluttering project success!

4. The bedside tables

Is it just me, or are nightstand drawers notoriously hard to keep tidy? When I do take the time to empty them, I’m often surprised at how much stuff I thought disappeared is inside of them. It must be the size of my drawers. They’re large enough to hold a thing or two, but too tiny to be assigned a particular use.
In any case, a decluttered bedside table is a good thing. Go for it!

5. Wherever your incoming mail & papers sit

Everyone’s got a place where all of the mail, school forms, and other bits of paper reside until it is used or forgotten. Sort through what you have. Throw away the useless bits into the recycling bin. Take note of any important dates in your calendar. Fill out any forms needing to be submitted. Most importantly, think of a solution if you do not have one yet. Such paper needs to be deposited in a safe space such as labelled trays, or even a drawer; and dealt with every 2 or 3 days to ensure you do not miss anything.

Aren’t you psyched to get DECLUTTERING! I am too – just by writing this!

Have a SUPER day my lovely mamas!

Nakita xxx